What a wonderful and busy first week! We started an astronomy unit, studying the inner planets. The students have been trying to see the moon every night so they can plot the lunar phases. Unfortunately, it has either been too cloudy or too many city obstructions to see the moon. I keep telling the kids to continue looking for that elusive moon! Now everyone is starting an astronomy project that will involve research and a presentation. Please check with your child on the deadlines for this project.
We also wrote a poem about something that we know a lot about. Students made a photo collage to go with their poem. We have been working on prime numbers, factors, prime factorization the first week, and using a systematic list as a strategy to solve a problem. This second week, we will be taking many assessments: spelling, reading, and math.
Please remember to turn in reg forms, signed, and that you have checked it for current information. Please also return all the papers that were sent home on the first day of school. Please supply your child with headphones as we are already using the Chromebooks daily – this item is not included in the $40 supplies option. We are starting off the school year on such a positive and exciting first couple weeks. It’s been great! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either me atsjen@pps.net or Ms. Natalie at nspeer@pps.net.
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