Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Classroom Notes

I can’t believe it’s almost October! As we head into a new month, we are beginning a few new areas of focus.  We are wrapping up geography this week and switching into science.  We are starting with astronomy.  Thanks to the supermoon we have hit the ground running! Geography quizzes will continue through next week, with a final test on ALL states and capitals the following week.  I am so pleased with the State Floats.  They turned out great!!  Thank you for helping your children complete their first fifth grade home project :)

We are also beginning a new writing unit this week.  We are integrating visual arts, reading, and writing to create graphic novels.  Students will use the strategy of visualization and their understanding of story elements to create their own sequel to a mentor text that we will study together.  The kids are super excited and eager to begin!

Science Camp-- Camp is just around the corner and we are now accepting camp money! Please make checks out to Lewis Elementary.  Camp tuition is $150.  Also, please review the Camp Supply List and let me know if you need anything and/or if you have any questions.

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