Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Classroom Notes

I can’t believe it’s almost October! As we head into a new month, we are beginning a few new areas of focus.  We are wrapping up geography this week and switching into science.  We are starting with astronomy.  Thanks to the supermoon we have hit the ground running! Geography quizzes will continue through next week, with a final test on ALL states and capitals the following week.  I am so pleased with the State Floats.  They turned out great!!  Thank you for helping your children complete their first fifth grade home project :)

We are also beginning a new writing unit this week.  We are integrating visual arts, reading, and writing to create graphic novels.  Students will use the strategy of visualization and their understanding of story elements to create their own sequel to a mentor text that we will study together.  The kids are super excited and eager to begin!

Science Camp-- Camp is just around the corner and we are now accepting camp money! Please make checks out to Lewis Elementary.  Camp tuition is $150.  Also, please review the Camp Supply List and let me know if you need anything and/or if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Classroom Notes

We have a lot going on here in 5th grade!  We are cruising through our geography unit and I’m excited to see everyone’s State Float Projects on Monday.  We are almost finished with our first read aloud novel, The Hatchet.  It really warms my heart to see the kids connect with a novel that I loved reading with my own fifth grade teacher :)  We are taking a break from long division this week and exploring measurement.  Homework will be a mix of review and new content.  Students were asked to collect leaves from the neighborhood and now we are classifying leaves and creating some fall art.  Please stop by next week to check out our leaf art.

-Science Camp Packets are due Friday, September 25th
-Geography Quiz--Midwest--Friday, September 25th
-State Floats are due Monday, September 29th, no exceptions.  
* Sock it to me Sock Sale! Wednesday, September 23rd from 3-3:45
$10 per pair.  Bring cash or check.  They make excellent gifts!!!

Types of Leaves

Start Here

Plant Resources

Plant Identification Guide

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy Wednesday!  It was so great seeing all of you at Back-to-School Night!  If you were unable to make it, don’t forget to stop by the classroom to sign up for conferences.  Conferences are in October again this year so they’re just around the corner.  I’m still waiting on a few families to complete the Camp Survey.  We need this filled out ASAP and I promise it will only take few minutes.

S.S--Students are continuing to memorize U.S. States and Capitals so please make sure they are studying at home. This week students are memorizing the Southwest Region of the U.S.  Please reference their map located in the S.S. section of their binder.  *State Float Project is due in less than two weeks so if you have any questions please let me know.  You can find examples on our classroom blog.

Math--We are moving forward with long division this week.  Long division can be tricky for 5th graders but that’s usually because their multiplication facts aren’t fully memorized.  Please spend time at home practicing those facts with your children.  They need to be MEMORIZED!

Writing-- Students worked with a partner to create a Partner Poem.  These poems will be posted under their self portraits this week so stop by and check those out.  We are now working on State Reports.  Students are researching the same state that they are using to create their State Float.  Those notes are located in their binder.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @LewisRoom21 and visit our classroom blog for weekly updates http://lewisroom21.blogspot.com/.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Science Camp Survey

5th Grade Science Camp is in Fall this year! We will be attending Camp Magruder--November 4th through 6th.  More information will be sent home in a few weeks.  Please follow the link below to answer a few questions...


Update from Room 21

Our first full week of school was a success! Students are settling into classroom routines and working harder than ever.  This week we begin homework!

Homework in a nutshell-- Weekly essays will be assigned every Monday and are due Friday.  Students are REQUIRED to turn in an outline AND a rough draft.  They should be stapled to the back of the final draft. All 3 essay elements are due on Fridays.  When math homework is assigned, it is due the following day.  We will correct the homework at the beginning of our math period and students will keep the corrected math sheet in their binder.  All math homework will be collected on Fridays.  Students should be reading for at least 30 minutes every night.  I do not require them to keep an at home reading log.  The reading log, found in the reading section of their binder, is for in class use only.  We are not starting the weekly essay for a few weeks.  

Math Update-- When teaching how to solve long division, I noticed that most students do not know their multiplication facts! Ahhh! A fifth grade teacher's nightmare :)  Students NEED to have multiplication facts MEMORIZED!!!  In order for students to be successful in long division, factoring, etc., those facts need to be completely memorized.  Please make sure your children are memorizing these facts at home!

S.S. Update-- Students are learning U.S. States and Capitals.
Students will have weekly quizzes dedicated to a particular region and then a final test on all 50!  This week students are memorizing the Western Region of the U.S.  Please reference their map, located in the S.S. section of their binder.  

Back-to-School Night is on Tuesday, Sep. 15 at 6:00 pm. I look forward to meeting those of you that I have not met and checking in with those of you that I have!  Don't forget to return the registration packets and please visit our classroom blog to view and fill out a survey regarding 5th Grade Science Camp http://lewisroom21.blogspot.com/.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to Fifth Grade

I am very excited for this school year and I look forward to getting to know all of you! Last week we spent time learning names, reflecting on the previous school year, and discussing hopes for fifth grade.  We also spent a great deal of time learning the ins and outs of our daily schedule and setting clear expectations for fifth grade academics and behavior.  I have no doubt that this is going to be an amazing school year!

This year you can follow us on Twitter @LewisRoom21 for weekly photos. Also, look for regular updates at http://lewisroom21.blogspot.com/. Here you will find our classroom calendar with important events.

Don't forget to return the registration packets and art money as soon as possible.  And most importantly, don't forget to mark your calendars for Back-to-School Night on Tuesday, Sep. 15 at 6:00 pm.  There will be a short 5th Grade Science Camp Meeting following the event.  Stay tuned for details.  Have a wonderful week and please let me know if you have any questions or wonderings.  Homework will begin next week!