It was great seeing all of you at conferences last week! I always enjoy getting the chance to catch up with everyone and even meet a few of you for the first time. We have another short week with this Friday off. Apparently it’s a ‘no Friday October’. I am going to take this opportunity to remind you of several upcoming events…
-Wednesday, Oct. 28th- Music with Blake Hausman (Maya’s dad)
AND...Harvest Art with our Buddies
-Thursday, Oct. 29th- 5th Grade Harvest Celebration- We posted a sign-up sheet for snacks outside of our room so stop by and sign up or just email me
-Monday, Nov. 2- We are walking over to Reed College to visit the Cooley Art Gallery
-Wednesday, November 4th - Friday, November 6th- SCIENCE CAMP! I sent home another copy of the supply list so please let me know if you have any questions. Students need to come to school at the regular time on Wednesday. Please do not send them to school early. We will return on Friday by 3pm. Don’t forget that all bags need to be labeled with your child’s name. (Masking tape and sharpie) You may not send any food or snacks with students! All medications will need to be checked in to the office, do not send with your child. If you have any questions please let me know before Wednesday.
*Permission Slips for Zenger Farm are due Thursday, October 29th*