Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Class Notes 11/28
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving break. We are continuing the units that we started before break, and finishing up a few others. The students will have a final assessment on invertebrates on Thursday. They have already been given a study guide, and we started reviewing the material last week. We finished our unit on multiplication this week and starting the unit on division. I cannot emphasize how important (and crucial to success) that your child have the basic multiplication facts memorized. Please remember that your child is also working on a biography assignment. These assignments are due Monday, Dec. 5th and additional assignments are due Monday, Dec. 12th. I have given the students approx. one hour every day to read the biographies and to research their famous person. However, your child should also be doing the assignments at home. Please check on how your child is doing. Some students have trouble with time management and meeting deadlines.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Class Notes 11/14/16
Thank you to all the parents and families that came to Parent Teacher conferences last week. I am so grateful for all your support and positive comments. It has been a very rewarding first quarter teaching your children.
We organized our binders this week, so students either recycled or took home all their Geometry papers and Astronomy papers. We have already started new units in Math and Science: Multiplication and Invertebrates. We are finishing our science fiction novels in our reading groups and starting a biography novel assignment.
The culmination of the astronomy unit is our field trip to OMSI this Thursday. Please remember that your child needs a sack lunch and drink for lunch. We will be walking quite a bit to OMSI so make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather and walk. Please make sure your child is to school on time! We will leave at 9:45 am. We will be viewing a show at the planetarium, experience the exhibit "Journey to Space", and viewing OMNIMAX. It will be a full day! Thanks to the parents that have volunteered to be our chaperones. If you have not paid for this field trip, the TriMet and OMSI cost is $16 per person.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Classroom Notes--It's November Already!
Thanks to the parents and families who contributed food and drinks to our Monday afternoon party. We graphed a pumpkin using ordered pairs, guessed the weight of a small pumpkin, observed a live earthworm (segmented worms), and listened to part of Orson Welles Oct. 30, 1938 radio broadcast of "War of the Worlds". It was a fun start to the week.
Some of the students shared their imaginative writing this week. Some of the students took a Geometry test. Our next unit will be multiplication and number theory. We still have a couple weeks with our free trial on Please encourage your child to review concepts at home that we have studied in school.
I sent home your conference day and time reminder last Friday. If you are unable to make that conference appointment, please call the school asap so we can arrange another time for you. Otherwise, I will see you next Wed or Thurs.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Classroom Notes 10/17
We finished our Geometry unit this week and will also celebrate the conclusion of the Astronomy unit with a paper airplane activity. All Astronomy projects should be taken home this week. I hope you had a chance to view them in the hallway. Students are writing an imaginative piece that is due October 31st. Please check your child's binder daily so you are aware of what we are doing in class.
Please make sure that your child is ready for Outdoor School on Monday. Do not have your child come earlier than the normal time to school on Monday. All clothing and gear should be labeled with their name in permanent marker (putting name on tape is okay). Students must have outdoor clothing and shoes appropriate for the weather. No electronics, no candy, no gum. Students may bring a book to read on the bus trips or during resting time at Outdoor School. Any medication must be given to Tracy (in the office) prior to Monday. If you have any questions, please contact me
Monday, October 10, 2016
Classroom Notes 10/10/16
If you are able to stop by our school, the astronomy projects will be on display in the hallway till Oct. 21st. The projects are awesome! Thanks to parents and family members who gave support to their children on their project. This week, the students are giving speeches on their project. The students were given time on Monday to practice in front of their classmates. They will be presenting their "formal" speeches this week.
Please remember that Outdoor School forms and money needed to be turned in by now.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Classroom Notes October 3rd
We had a wonderful field trip to Zenger Farms last Friday. Thanks to the chaperones that came and helped with the community service. Our next trip will be Outdoor School at Camp Macgruder. Please check that you have paid the $150 for this trip. We have already turned in the medical forms to Outdoor School, and the money was due Oct. 3rd.
Students also need to turn in their Run for the Arts money and forms.
We are finishing our Astronomy unit this week. The student projects and research papers are due Monday, Oct. 10th. Students will be preparing for their presentation speeches on Monday. Students also have their science fiction assignments due next week. The deadlines for these month-long projects are fast approaching. Please support your child by giving them ample time to finish these assignments but resist from taking over!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Class Notes 9/26- 9/30
Reminder: Students need to have a sack lunch and disposable drink for Friday's field trip to Zenger Farms. If you were told (via your child) that you are a chaperone, please be here by 8:45 AM.
We still have a few students that have not turned in their Outdoor School health and medical form. Please check that your child has turned the form in. Also, remember that the $150 camp fee is due next week, Oct.3rd.
Your child should be working on their Astronomy project and writing a research paper this week. There is a weekly progress worksheet that needs to be signed by a parent/family member and turned in to me every Monday till Oct. 10th. Students will be giving an oral presentation the week of Oct. 10th.
Students should be reading daily and one of the novels that they are reading this Fall quarter should be a science fiction book. The deadline for the science fiction novel assignment is also the week of Oct. 10th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at
Please read our classroom blog at
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Classroom Notes-September 19th
We are doing Bike Safety this week. On Friday, 9/23, we will be riding in the neighborhood from 10:00 - 12:00. Family members and friends are invited to join our bike ride. If you need to borrow a bike and/or helmet for our Friday ride, please let me know asap.
Please return Zenger Farm field trip permission slips and Run for the Arts forms. Both of these forms were sent home last week. We are also still waiting for registration forms as well as other paperwork that were sent home during the first week of school.
We have started a daily routine of writing in our 3 -ring binder what homework and projects are assigned with their due dates. The Astronomy project progress worksheet is due every Monday until Oct. 10, Monday, when the project is due. Please sign the weekly progress worksheet.
The students should be writing a research paper about 2 - 4 papers on their topic. This paper includes a bibliography. This paper should reflect that your child has been working on this project for a month. The students have been given time every day to do research on their Astronomy topic, but they should also be working on this project and paper at home.
If you were not able to attend Back to School Night, please stop by and sign up for conferences on the schedules that are posted in the hallway or contact me to arrange a conference time on Nov. 9 or Nov. 10.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Classroom Notes-9/12
Please check with your child on forms that need to be signed and returned. Several students are still missing registration forms, papers from the first day packet, and camp forms. We have a lot of events happening this month and October, so you should be getting permission forms for field trips as well.
Students also have deadlines on their Astronomy project and a science fiction novel assignment. Both due the beginning of October. They have an approved topic for their Astronomy project and should be researching on finding questions to their 5 questions. Starting next week, students will be filling out a weekly progress report on how they are doing on their project. Please be on the lookout for that form too.
We organized binders this week. If you want to see your child's work, ask to see the binder. Please note that the binders and subject organizers were purchased with our classroom funds, so if you have not paid the $40 for supplies, please submit payment.
Students are also using their Chromebook for writing and other assignments. This week they are writing a narrative autobiographical essay. We started our unit on Geometry this week.
Thanks to families that came to our Back to School Night! If you were unable to attend, you will need to set up a conference time with me.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Classroom Notes- September 5th
What a wonderful and busy first week! We started an astronomy unit, studying the inner planets. The students have been trying to see the moon every night so they can plot the lunar phases. Unfortunately, it has either been too cloudy or too many city obstructions to see the moon. I keep telling the kids to continue looking for that elusive moon! Now everyone is starting an astronomy project that will involve research and a presentation. Please check with your child on the deadlines for this project.
We also wrote a poem about something that we know a lot about. Students made a photo collage to go with their poem. We have been working on prime numbers, factors, prime factorization the first week, and using a systematic list as a strategy to solve a problem. This second week, we will be taking many assessments: spelling, reading, and math.
Please remember to turn in reg forms, signed, and that you have checked it for current information. Please also return all the papers that were sent home on the first day of school. Please supply your child with headphones as we are already using the Chromebooks daily – this item is not included in the $40 supplies option. We are starting off the school year on such a positive and exciting first couple weeks. It’s been great! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either me or Ms. Natalie at
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Class Notes
I’m still here! The Art Night Docents said that people were asking if I was having the baby :) Not quite yet… I was avoiding the chicken pox scare. Yikes! I do want to take a moment to thank all of the fifth grade families that have been so supportive this year. The baby is already spoiled with lots of love and very generous gifts. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of kids to spend this special time with. Thank you!!!
This last month of school is jammed pack so please make sure you are checking binders and backpacks for announcements and upcoming events. This week we are wrapping up our poetry unit and beginning a new, students lead writing unit. Students created beautiful poetry books and they will be displayed outside of our room. Please stop by and check out their beautiful writing.
We are about to order our fifth grade t-shirts so please stay tuned for information coming home this week. Don’t forget this Wednesday is late start and pajama day! Please make sure your kiddos are wearing fresh pajamas and shoes :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Class Notes
It was fun to see many of you at the Lewis Talent Show! I was very impressed with the performances and the support from the Lewis Community. This week we are busy preparing for Art Night. Art Night is this Thursday at 6pm. Please stop by and enjoy all of the beautiful artwork created by our students. This week we also have two other fun events, On Wednesday we will have pajama day, accompanied by a movie and popcorn :) Then on Thursday, members of Safety Patrol will be at Oaks Park for the day. Fifth Grade Promotion is just around the corner and that means we need help with the 5th Grade Lunch. Please contact Tracy and/or Julie Wallace if you are interested in helping. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday evening...
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Class Notes
I am happy to say that we are finished with testing! Yay! Now we can really enjoy our last month together. I want to thank parent chaperones who joined us on Monday’s field trip to Zenger Farm. The weather was delightful and the students enjoyed checking out a working farm in Spring. We also have another walking field trip this week. On Thursday am we are walking over to Reed College for a campus tour. Thank you in advance to parents who have volunteered to join us. On Friday, we are hoping to head to the park with our 2nd grade art buddies, depending on weather.
Now that testing is complete, we are focusing on the arts. We are working on a poetry unit in writing and wrapping up a few Art Night projects. Speaking of poetry-- Blake, Maya’s dad, will be joining us this week for a musical jam session :)
Upcoming Events-- Music with Blake on Wednesday am, Reed College tour on Thursday am, Talent Show Rehearsal after school Thursday, outing with 2nd grade Friday am, and Talent Show Friday at 6:30pm. Come support our TALENTED Lewis students!!!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Class Notes
I can’t believe it’s almost May! Yikes! Well this week we are wrapping up testing. We have completed the ELA portion of Smarter Balance. The ELA portion included both Reading and Writing. This week we are working on Math and we are planning to finish by Friday.
This week we started a new art project involving sewing. The kids are really excited! This art project, along with several others, will be displayed at Art Night. Don’t forget that Art Night is the evening of May 12th.
Next week is going to be a busy one here in Room 21. Passion Projects are due next Tuesday, May 3rd. Students will begin presenting their projects Tuesday and we will finish all presentations by the end of next week. Also, we still need a few parents to join us for Monday’s trip to Zenger Farm. We will leave soon after the second bell and return by the end of the day. Please let me know if you’re interested! We are also heading to Reed College next week for a campus tour and then we have the Lewis Talent Show next Friday night. Please let me know if you have any questions, especially as we approach our last full month of fifth grade.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Class Notes
Thank you to everyone who has returned their signed report card envelopes. We will reuse these envelopes for our last grading period in June. Please don’t forget to encourage your child to dress for the weather and pack a water bottle, Our classroom gets quite toasty in this hot weather, especially in the afternoon.
We continue with testing this week and next. We have completed the ELA portion of Smarter Balance. The ELA portion included both Reading and Writing. Next week we will begin Math. This should take us about 5 days to complete.
I sent home field trip permission slips for Zenger Farm. Please sign and return as soon as possible, We also need four parents to join us so please let me know if you are interested. We are going to Zenger farm on May 2nd. Other important events to mark down in your calendar-- Saturday, April 23rd Garden Fair, May 2nd Zenger Farm, May 5th Reed College Tour.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Classroom Notes
This month is blowing by! Our mornings are filled with Smarter Balance Assessments and our afternoons are filled with FLASH and art. This week we begin our last media and garden rotation with Ms. Cyndi and Ms. Kathleen. This will last for 4 weeks. We also have several fun events coming up…
-April 20th-Late Opening
-April 21st-Talent Show Auditions
-May 2nd- Field Trip to Zenger Farms
-May 5th- Field Trip to Reed College for a campus tour and lunch
*We need parents for both the Reed College Field Trip and the Zenger Farm Field Trip. Please let me know if you can join us!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Please spend 45 minutes completing as many math problems as you can from this Math Packet . Please record your answers on a piece of paper or in your math journal.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Class Notes-- It's already April!
For these last few months of school I will try to keep you updated each Wednesday with upcoming events…
We are scheduled to begin the Smarter Balanced Assessment this week. I want to suggest some sites to give you more information on testing. PPS Overview of the SBAC tests and Common Core: and State of Oregon Notice about Assessments including Opt Out information: Please contact me with questions, comments, or concerns.
No school this Friday, April 8th. It is a teacher work day since we are at the end of our 3rd quarter. Report cards will go home next week. If you still have the report card envelope from last quarter, please make sure you sign and return those. I am only missing a few…
Next week, we begin our last media and garden rotation with Ms Cyndi and Ms. Kathleen. This will last for 4 weeks. We will be changing our scheduled time to the afternoon to accommodate testing in the mornings.
Please stay tuned for more announcements :)
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Class Notes
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Vacation. We are down to our last few months of 5th grade and these final months are jammed packed! I want to remind you of several upcoming events/dates…
Next week students are scheduled to begin the Smarter Balanced Assessment. I want to suggest some sites to give you more information on testing. PPS Overview of the SBAC tests and Common Core: and State of Oregon Notice about Assessments including Opt Out information: Please contact me with questions, comments, or concerns.
I’m really enjoying conferencing with students on their Passion Projects. Don’t forget these projects are due May 3rd. I will continue to meet with students once a week to check-in on their progress. Please check Passion Project folders every weekend to see notes from these conferences. The final product/presentation should reflect the efforts of two months’ work.
We are bringing back the art of sewing in Room 21! We will begin a sewing project next week. Somehow those pesky little needles always seem to disappear so if you have any extra needles at home please send them our way.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Classroom Notes
Spring break is only days away and we have a busy week! We are wrapping up our geometry unit in math and our persuasive pieces in writing. We also continue some art with Ms. Gina and we’re hoping to get together with our kinder buddies. Between specials, art, buddies, late start, and the play preview, we are booked!
Also, coming up this week, is the Reading Marathon. This will take place Friday, March 18th. Students may wear pajamas and bring their favorite cozies. Please remember that their pajamas need to be fresh and clean :) Students will spend the day enjoying a good book. This is a fifth grade tradition that the kids love.
Don’t forget to join us this week for the Lewis School Play. This year's production of Midsummer Night’s Dream will take place on Thursday and Friday night at 6:30. Tickets will be available for purchase. Come support our talented 5th graders!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Classroom Notes 3/6
Spring vacation is only two weeks away and we are trying to wrap up several projects. In writing, students are writing persuasive pieces and their arguments are strong :) This is always a favorite writing style for fifth graders. In math, we are learning to find the volume and surface area of rectangular prisms. This is a short, two week unit.
We are taking a trip to Sellwood Middle School on Wednesday. Students will have the opportunity to get a lay of the land and see first hand what middle school is like. Can you believe they are going to middle school next year!?! We also have Ms. Gina visiting our classroom this week to do some art with the kids. If all goes well, we will display this latest piece at Art Night in May.
Students are working hard on their Passion Projects. These projects are due May 3rd. I will be meeting with students once a week to check-in on their progress. Please check Passion Project folders every weekend to see notes from these conferences. Please let me know if you have any questions. The final product/presentation should reflect the efforts of two months’ work.
Don’t forget -- The Lewis Play production of Midsummer Night’s Dream is just around the corner. Performances are on Thursday, March 17th and Friday, March 18th.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Classroom Notes
It’s time to clean out the ol’ kitchen pantry and contribute to the Lewis Food Drive! The drive ends this Friday, March 4th. Information went home last week describing items needed by the Oregon Food Bank. Donation boxes are located outside of every classroom.
This week I introduced the Passion Project. Students received the guidelines for this project yesterday. This Passion Project will be due the first week in May, which means students have 2 months to learn their desired skill and create a final product. Please check Passion Project folders every weekend to see notes from our student-teacher conference. Please let me know if you have any questions.
The Lewis Play production of Midsummer Night’s Dream is just around the corner. Performances are on Thursday, March 17th and Friday, March 18th. Tickets are going on sale soon so stay tuned. We have several students in both the play and the orchestra so get your tickets and come support our talented, hardworking kiddos.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Illuminated Manuscript Project:
1. Sketch an illuminated letter.
2. Find the origin of the letter and write where it comes from and when it started being used.
3. Show a visual timeline of how the letter has changed over its lifespan from the beginning to today.
4. Final copy of illuminated letter with color pencil or marker.

Classroom Notes
Just a few reminders this week--
-We are heading to Zenger Farm Friday! Please make sure your child dresses for the weather. We will be outside most of the day; rain, or shine. Also, be sure to pack lunches in an appropriate carrying case. Students will carry their lunches to and from the farm. We are leaving first thing in the morning so please be on time. We’re looking forward to a great day of learning!
-OBOB tournament this Friday, after school. Make sure you pack a snack!
-Next Wednesday, March 2nd is Read Across America & Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Please look for an invitation next week.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Classroom Notes
Thank you to everyone who supplied goodies for our Valentine’s party. The kids had a blast and I’m hoping they weren’t too sick Friday evening :) This week in math, we continue our work with fractions. I am hoping that we can complete a math sample by the end of next week. We will soon begin our new geometry unit. We are halfway through our read aloud novel, Jaguar Stones. The kids are totally loving it! We are also beginning a new calligraphy exhibition. The kids have received a very fancy, edged calligraphy pen and we are spending time getting comfortable with them. And now, some reminders...
Reminders: Wednesday is late opening so school does not begin until 10:40am. Don’t forget this Friday, February 19th, the Lonesome Teacher Trio plays for the Lewis Family Dance. This is a fundraiser for Science Camp, so tell all of your friends and family. Next Thursday we have the vision screening so please be sure to send corrective lenses with students that wear glasses. We still need three parent chaperones for next Friday, February 26th. We are taking a trip to Zenger Farm. I’ll send out a reminder form as we get closer. Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Classroom Notes
We have another busy week here in Room 21! We finished our Garden rotation last week and this week we begin our Technology rotation. Students have tech every day this week, so be sure to ask them all about what they’re learning. We also have two classroom visits this week from several special guests. This Wednesday, Ms. Sarah and I are thrilled to welcome parent and Doula, Kate Fricke to our classroom.. She will be with us for about an hour in the am and then we have another presentation in the pm, brought to you by Sellwood Middle School.
Every year, Sellwood sends a few former Lewis students, along with the Vice Principal, to discuss life in Middle School. It’s a really fun way to get the kids excited about Middle School and it also gives our fifth graders the opportunity to ask any burning questions.
Don't forget-- we have our Valentine’s Day Party this Friday. Students are welcome to bring Valentines. We discussed the importance of making Valentines for ALL students in our classroom and planning ahead. We posted a snack sign-up sheet for the party and we still need a few things. Either stop by and sign up or have your child sign up for you. We still need sugar snap peas and apples. All snacks/ treats need to be store bought, nut free, and enough for 27 students. Please email or call if you have any questions.
Guest Speaker Wednesday
This Wednesday Ms. Sarah and I are thrilled to welcome parent and Doula, Kate Fricke. She will be giving a presentation about what she does and sharing information about childbirth. This will be age-appropriate information and should be a great learning experience for our students. If you have any question, or concerns, please let me know either by email at, or phone@ 503-916-6360.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Classroom Notes
It’s so nice to finally have a five day week! We are wrapping up our math review this week and shifting our focus to patterns, equations, and geometry. This week we will focus on “graphing” various geometric shapes using our knowledge of coordinate pairs. We are still moving forward with our Microworlds science unit. Hopefully, we will have time for some art this week too. We are editing our Black History Timeline writing pieces this week. Hopefully we will have these posted by the beginning of next week. And now for some reminders... -Weekly homework essays are due Friday, no exceptions -If you are involved in Drama, please make sure your calendar is marked with all important dates and meetings -We are having our Valentine's Day Party Friday, February 12th so please stop by and sign up to bring supplies and/or snacks -We have a field trip to Zenger Farms scheduled for Friday, February 26th. Permission slips will come home next week
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Classroom Notes
Here we are with another short week! Between the day off and late start, I barely get to see the kids :( We have another session of garden rotation this week. Students are working with Ms. Kathleen to get the school excited about parsnips! They are learning about seasonal growth cycles and local produce. While half of the class works with Ms. Kathleen, the other half stays in the classroom, and then they rotate. Students working in the classroom are creating Book Trailers for all of our recently purchased library books. I can’t wait to see how they turn out!
In S.S. we continue researching influential people and events to add to our Black History Timeline. We are also finally spending time everyday enjoying our new read aloud novel. We are reading “Middleworld” from the Jaguar Stones series and the kids are loving it! The story takes place in Central America, exploring the ancient Mayan culture. And it just so happens that this week we have a team from Google coming to our classroom to lead the students in a virtual exploration of Chichén Itzá. I can’t wait to see how it goes! Check out our blog and twitter account for photos.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Class Notes
Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope your winter break was relaxing and fun-filled. I really enjoyed spending time with family and, most importantly, catching up on sleep! I am excited to be back and it feels like the kids are re-adjusting quickly.
In Math we continue our work with decimals and percentages. The first part of this week will mainly be review. In Social Studies we are creating a Black History Timeline. Students are selecting an influential person or event to research and document. We are also starting a new Science unit called Microworlds. Since we usually rotate between Science and Social Studies, we will sometimes integrate our Black History Timeline research into our writing block.
Speaking of our busy schedule, we also start a 4 week rotation of Garden and Media! This will take place once a week on Tuesdays. Other schedule reminders-- School Play Meeting on Wednesday at 3pm., new weekly homework essay is due this Friday, and don’t forget to mark down any Middle School Parent Information Nights that you may want to attend. Have a fabulous week!
Friday, January 8, 2016
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