Monday, September 26, 2016

Class Notes 9/26- 9/30

Reminder: Students need to have a sack lunch and disposable drink for Friday's field trip to Zenger Farms.  If you were told (via your child) that you are a chaperone, please be here by 8:45 AM.
We still have a few students that have not turned in their Outdoor School health and medical form.  Please check that your child has turned the form in.  Also, remember that the $150 camp fee is due next week, Oct.3rd.
Your child should be working on their Astronomy project and writing a research paper this week.  There is a weekly progress worksheet that needs to be signed by a parent/family member and turned in to me every Monday till Oct. 10th. Students will be giving an oral presentation the week of Oct. 10th.
Students should be reading daily and one of the novels that they are reading this Fall quarter should be a science fiction book.  The deadline for the science fiction novel assignment is also the week of Oct. 10th.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at
Please read our classroom blog at

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Classroom Notes-September 19th

We are doing Bike Safety this week.  On Friday, 9/23, we will be riding in the neighborhood from 10:00 - 12:00.  Family members and friends are invited to join our bike ride.  If you need to borrow a bike and/or helmet for our Friday ride, please let me know asap.

Please return Zenger Farm field trip permission slips and Run for the Arts forms. Both of these forms were sent home last week. We are also still waiting for registration forms as well as other paperwork that were sent home during the first week of school.

We have started a daily routine of writing in our 3 -ring binder what homework and projects are assigned with their due dates.  The Astronomy project progress worksheet is due every Monday until Oct. 10, Monday, when the project is due.  Please sign the weekly progress worksheet.
The students should be writing a research paper about 2 - 4 papers on their topic.  This paper includes a bibliography.  This paper should reflect that your child has been working on this project for a month.  The students have been given time every day to do research on their Astronomy topic, but they should also be working on this project and paper at home.

If you were not able to attend Back to School Night, please stop by and sign up for conferences on the schedules that are posted in the hallway or contact me to arrange a conference time on Nov. 9 or Nov. 10.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Classroom Notes-9/12

Please check with your child on forms that need to be signed and returned. Several students are still missing registration forms, papers from the first day packet, and camp forms.  We have a lot of events happening this month and October, so you should be getting permission forms for field trips as well.  

Students also have deadlines on their Astronomy project and a science fiction novel assignment. Both due the beginning of October.  They have an approved topic for their Astronomy project and should be researching on finding questions to their 5 questions.  Starting next week, students will be filling out a weekly progress report on how they are doing on their project.  Please be on the lookout for that form too.  

We organized binders this week.  If you want to see your child's work, ask to see the binder.  Please note that the binders and subject organizers were purchased with our classroom funds, so if you have not paid the $40 for supplies, please submit payment. 

Students are also using their Chromebook for writing and other assignments. This week they are writing a narrative autobiographical essay.  We started our unit on Geometry this week.  

Thanks to families that came to our Back to School Night!  If you were unable to attend, you will need to set up a conference time with me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Classroom Notes- September 5th

What a wonderful and busy first week!  We started an astronomy unit, studying the inner planets.  The students have been trying to see the moon every night so they can plot the lunar phases.  Unfortunately, it has either been too cloudy or too many city obstructions to see the moon.  I keep telling the kids to continue looking for that elusive moon!  Now everyone is starting an astronomy project that will involve research and a presentation. Please check with your child on the deadlines for this project.

We also wrote a poem about something that we know a lot about.  Students made a photo collage to go with their poem. We have been working on prime numbers, factors, prime factorization the first week, and using a systematic list as a strategy to solve a problem. This second week, we will be taking many assessments:  spelling, reading, and math. 

Please remember to turn in reg forms, signed, and that you have checked it for current information.  Please also return all the papers that were sent home on the first day of school.  Please supply your child with headphones as we are already using the Chromebooks daily – this item is not included in the $40 supplies option.  We are starting off the school year on such a positive and exciting first couple weeks.  It’s been great!  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either me or Ms. Natalie at